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Upper middle income countries and Guinea-Bissau

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Created with Highcharts 5.0.6Mortality rate, infant (per...Pupil-teacher ratioYouth literacy rate (% of p...Gross enrollment ratio (sec...4050100
Upper middle income countries: -Guinea-Bissau: 31
Breakdown by component
2020Upper middle income countriesGuinea-Bissau
Human capital-31
Mortality rate, infant (per 1,000 live births)
Upper middle income countries: -Guinea-Bissau: 35
Pupil-teacher ratio
Upper middle income countries: -Guinea-Bissau: 46
Youth literacy rate (% of people ages 15-24)
Upper middle income countries: -Guinea-Bissau: 50
Gross enrollment ratio (secondary school)
Upper middle income countries: -Guinea-Bissau: 23