

General information

Capital: Dodoma

Currency unit: Tanzanian shilling

Official language: Kiswahili, English

Area: 885,800 km²

Population in million: 56,318,300.0 

GDP per capita (current US dollars): 1,051 

GDP per capita, PPP (current international $): 3,227 


Labor force participation rate (% of total population ages 15+): 83.2 

Annual growth rate of the population: 3.0 %

Mortality rate, infant (per 1,000 live births): 37.6 %

Life expectancy at birth: 64.5 ans

Youth literacy rate Literacy rate, youth total (% of people ages 15-24): 80 %


Gross domestic product (GDP) in billions of US dollars: 58,001,200,000.00 

Agriculture value added of GDP: 28.7 

Industry value added of GDP: 25.1 

Services value added of GDP: 5.3 


Total exports in billions of US dollars: 5,295,890.00 

Total imports in billions of US dollars: 8,174,300.00 

Major manufactured products (as % of total exports) :
Other furnishing articles (1.30 %)
Precious and semi-precious stones (1.08 %)
Other fertilisers (0.87 %)
Nitrogenous fertilisers (0.59 %)
Uncoated kraft paper and paperboard, in rolls or sheets, other than that of heading no. 4802 or 4803 (0.51 %)

Weight of major primary products excluding minerals and oil (as % of total exports) :
Unmanufactured tobacco (5.98 %)
Coffee (3.93 %)
Fish fillets (3.35 %)
Coconuts, Brazil nuts and cashew nuts (3.31 %)
Cotton, not carded or combed (2.81 %)

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              Price competitiveness

              Tanzania: 46
              Breakdown by component
              Price competitiveness46
              Macroeconomic competitiveness
              Tanzania: 39
              Products competitiveness
              Tanzania: 61

              Durability and resistance to vulnerabilities