General information
Capital: Abuja
Currency unit: Nigerian naira
Official language: English
Area: 910,770 km²
Population in million: 195,875,000.0
GDP per capita (current US dollars): 2,028
GDP per capita, PPP (current international $): 5,991
Labor force participation rate (% of total population ages 15+): 55.2
Annual growth rate of the population: 2.6 %
Mortality rate, infant (per 1,000 live births): 75.7 %
Life expectancy at birth: 54.0 ans
Youth literacy rate Literacy rate, youth total (% of people ages 15-24): 62 %
Gross domestic product (GDP) in billions of US dollars: 397,270,000,000.00
Agriculture value added of GDP: 21.2
Industry value added of GDP: 25.7
Services value added of GDP: 1.8
Total exports in billions of US dollars: 46,837,800.00
Total imports in billions of US dollars: 34,178,200.00
Major manufactured products (as % of total exports) :
Tanned or crust hides and skins of other animals (0.40 %)
Leather further prepared after tanning or crusting of bovine (0.18 %)
Tanned or crust skins of sheep or lambs (0.13 %)
Other footwear with uppers of rubber or plastics (0.12 %)
Ammonia (0.06 %)
Weight of major primary products excluding minerals and oil (as % of total exports) :
Cocoa beans (1.33 %)
Natural rubber (0.84 %)
Other oil seeds and oleaginous fruits (0.27 %)
Milk (0.22 %)
Coconuts, Brazil nuts and cashew nuts (0.21 %)
Internal Violence Index (IVI)
2020 | Nigeria | |
Internal Violence Index (IVI) | 51 | |
Internal armed conflicts Nigeria: 74 | 74 | |
Criminality-homicides Nigeria: 20 | 20 | |
Terrorism Nigeria: 74 | 74 | |
Political violence Nigeria: 0 | 0 | |
Regional violence Nigeria: 38 | 38 |