General information
Capital: Port Louis
Currency unit: Mauritian rupee
Official language: English, French
Area: 2,030 km²
Population in million: 1,265,300.0
GDP per capita (current US dollars): 11,239
GDP per capita, PPP (current international $): 23,751
Labor force participation rate (% of total population ages 15+): 58.2
Annual growth rate of the population: 0.1 %
Mortality rate, infant (per 1,000 live births): 13.6 %
Life expectancy at birth: 74.5 ans
Youth literacy rate Literacy rate, youth total (% of people ages 15-24): 91 %
Gross domestic product (GDP) in billions of US dollars: 14,220,300,000.00
Agriculture value added of GDP: 2.8
Industry value added of GDP: 17.6
Services value added of GDP: 4.1
Total exports in billions of US dollars: 2,516,480.00
Total imports in billions of US dollars: 5,594,840.00
Major manufactured products (as % of total exports) :
T-shirts, singlets and other vests (11.81 %)
Men's shirts (6.44 %)
Men's suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers and trousers (4.61 %)
Jerseys, pullovers, cardigans and waistcoats (3.59 %)
Women's suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers and dresses (2.53 %)
Weight of major primary products excluding minerals and oil (as % of total exports) :
Prepared or preserved fish (13.99 %)
Cane or beet sugar (13.60 %)
Frozen fish (2.37 %)
Other live animals (0.95 %)
Molasses (0.61 %)
Political violence
2020 | Mauritius | |
Political violence | 0 | |
intensity of violence during regime changes Mauritius: 0 | 0 | |
Intensity of violence caused by genocide and politicide Mauritius: 0 | 0 |